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Mission & Objective progression savings

Ensure players' mission and objective progress is accurately saved and restored, enhancing narrative continuity and player engagement.

Refer SV_SaveGame and under ComprehensiveSaveData variable's MissionState used to save the meta-data related to saving the missions and objectives in the game level.


MissionState field is define as a S_MissionSave struct type. (Content> SaveGameSystem > Data > Structs > Saves > Mission) simply record the indexes of mission and inherent objective.


The underline missions and objectives are defined in the data table called DT_Missions. (Content> SaveGameSystem > Data > DataTables > DT_Missions) Here, the Row Name define the indexes of the missions and Objectives array defines the objectives of a specific mission, where the relevant indexes are used to identify the objectives.


All the objectives are defined using Data Assets and each objective is inherited from DA_Objective parent data asset and extend the features at the child instances. (Content> SaveGameSystem > Data > DataAssets > DA_Objective)
