📄️ Maps & Modes
Once SaveGameSystem folder has been migrated from the source project. Make sure to properly set Maps & Modes in your target project. Simply go to Project > Maps & Modes and setup accordingly. You can do configure this either manually or simply export the Maps & Modes configurations from the source project and import it to the target project.
📄️ Input Mappings
In order to control Player Pawn and Vehicle Pawn in the showcase level, the input mappings should be properly configured. Go to Engine > Input and set the input mappings. You can do configure this either manually or simply export the Input configurations from the source project and import it to the target project.
📄️ Custom Level Setup
ShowcaseMap is a simple level that showcase all the core features of the SaveGameSystem and when it comes to general scenarios, you may able to setup your own level/levels in your project instaed of using the default ShowcaseMap level.