Project Structure
All the project files (Blueprints, Materials, Textures, etc) are properly organized into the respective folders and follow proper naming conventions recommended by EPIC Games. You can easily change/delete artifacts according to your requirements.
- Blueprints - Contains core actor components and game base classes and function libraries that define several common utility functions.
- Characters - Animations and blueprints related to drive character instances.
- Data - Include data assets, data tables, enumerations and structures used at the blueprint classes.
- Demo - Default unreal engine mannequines, meshes and starter contents for demonstration purposes of the package.
- Effects - Damage types and effects that invoked when applying damages.
- Input - Enhanced Input scheme based Input Actions and Input Mapping Context.
- Levels - Showcase maps for test and demonstrate the features of the asset.
- UI - Widget components and panels.
- Weapons - Placeholder assets for weapon blueprints.